Question Changing self requires an individual to think differently about themselves and others. To what extent is this true in the texts you have studied so far? Response Changing oneself requires a person to think differently about themselves and others because self-change involves a shift in perception. This change can be reflected in the two texts "My Father Began as a God," a poem written by Ian Mudie and "Reunion at the star Hotel," a short story by Susie Armillei, as both texts depict the main persona as experiencing self-change by means of changing their perceptions. These texts both reveal changes in ideas and perspective, though In the poem "My Father Began as a God," the persona experiences a gradual change in his perceptions of his father, whilst the persona in the short story "Reunion at the Star Hotel" experiences a rather sudden shift in her perspectives. In the poem "My Father Began as a God," the idea that changing self requires an individual to think differently about themselves and others, because changing self requires a shift in perception is evidently true throughout all facets of the poem. In the poem this idea is shown through the personas progressive transformation in his ideas about his father, reflecting the idea that the self-change experienced whilst growing up causes a transformation in values and perspectives. In addition the description of his father's views as "outmoded," reflects the very different morals that he holds in comparison to his father due to the generational gap in their relationship, and reflects that the enforcing of these values in co-ordinance with his father's rules causes the persona to view his father in a negative light, this stanza is the height of negativity in the poem. The personas perceptions and values take a dramatic change by the end of the poem as the persona has experienced self-change through his growing up which has allowed him to see his father in a more pos