
Violence - Causes and Prevention

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“It is a bad outlook for the world if the spirit of violence takes hold of the mass mind. Ultimately, it destroys the race.” - Gandhi Violence can be a human innate characteristic but at the same time can be preventable and modifiable by certain factors. Competition, aggression, culture and past generations are the main facts that prevent violence and play an important role on people becoming violent or not. Every human is born with violence but it depends on the person if they want to release it out or not. For example, competition comes from the ambition of wanting to beat other people and being the best. Although it may not sound violent it does carry some violent thoughts such as, will you sacrifice someone to become successful and will you put someone’s life in risk if you had to. Aggression is another fact that pushes people to become violent, usually seen as a physical factor and it is easier to be modifiable. A person who knows how to control their aggression can control their selves from becoming violent. Some people can be attracted to violence. Think of the boxers; their goal is to knock out people. Violence runs in their nature but once they are out of the boxing field they do not go around knocking down people. Culture and past generations also have a big impact on humans. The country that you are born, where you grew up, how you were treated by your parents, your morals, beliefs and your physical environment is what makes you a better or a worse person. For example, if you grew up in an area where there was war you are more likely to have a violent personality according to what you have seen and experienced but on the other side if you grew up in an area where there was peace and you have not experienced any violent actions you are more likely to become a non violent person. Family plays a role in violence. Kids who have been abused by their parents are more likely to be violent because that is how they were rais

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