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There is a distinction in terms of dominant units between the current prior systems. The medieval states that made the units in the ancient and classical systems were usually small, weak and were constituted by a patchwork of overlapping and sometimes competing authorities (Buzan and Little, 2000:244). Contrary the modern states, those former units lacked sovereignty and therefore, was characterized by a high decentralized mode of political organization. Furthermore, the modern state had built strong boundaries rather than fuzzy frontiers and within those boundaries they demanded complete sovereignty and with a some hundred years of its existence, the modern state removed and replaced all other forms of political units on the planet (Buzan and Little, 2000:245) .The modern state became dominant unit in the system by replacing previous units such as empire, barbarian tribes and city-states that coexisted as the dominant units. However, the emergence of the modern states is believed to have started in Europe around 1500 AD since the earlier forms of political units existed in different parts of the world.( Buzan and Little, 2000:246) “Although largely keeping their exterior form, the leading modern states evolved rapidly inside, to become the dominant type of unit in the global international system.”( Buzan and Little, 2000:251) This internal development was the onset of the current form of political units in the current international system since it shifted the political centrality from leaders to the people, hence the onset of democracy in today’s world. Unlike its predecessors, the modern state further laid the foundation for the formation of non-state units under its jurisdiction. Such types of non-state units were established both within states and between states. Here the leading states allowed these organizations to operate in an independent manner and undertake tasks states could not do, or did not want to do hence giving way to the modern firms and international organization.( Buzan and Little, 2000:266) This transformation of the units from the earlier forms of units shaped the both the character of international relations and the international system. Secondly, the other most import characteri

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