
Parental involvement

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Problem Statement It is difficult to watch children be upset because they wish their parents could be around more. Parental involvement is a wonderful experience for parents and children; however there can be a chance that some parent would get too involved with their child. Purpose Statement On this paper I will cover the impact of parent involvement. Significance Statement This topic will be important to the child development field because parent involvement can have a positive effect towards teachers and children. For this research, I have conducted my field study at my work place, Mandala Children’s House Preschool, located in Alum Rock San Jose, California. I first observed some children and wondered why they are extremely attached to their parents. Then I noticed that the children who are attached rarely have their parents take them or pick them up from school. That is why I wanted to look more into parental involvement. The time frame that I have conducted at the children’s parents house was during the evening around six o’clock p.m. to seven o’clock p.m. for weeks. Also, I observed my friend’s son whose mother works 40 hours a week. He was three years old when I met him and is now seven and I have done this observation at their home place in the afternoon. The reason why I chose to observe and interview at the homes is because the majority of the parents of my students are in denial of them not being involved with their children at first and it is hard for them to accept the reality, even though they don’t see it at first. They still think that their child is just too young to have their parents get involved and will outgrow whatever challenges they are encountering at this time. The process that I used in gathering information for these observation were: I contacted my friend and asked for their permission to observe their son; and at my work place, I have asked my site supervisor if I can interview particular parents. Fortunately, my friend, my site supervisor, and the parents I have selected gave their permission and allowed me to do my observation and interview. I have also distributed questionnaires/surveys to parents at my work site to help me gather more information regarding my Research topic. My participants are Ten parents. Nine are from my work and one is my friend. Three parents are Hispanic, four are Asian-American, two are Caucasian, and one is African American (father)/Asian American(mother). I distributed Twelve survey questionnaires to families that come to Mandala Children's House Preschool and my friend. 83 percent of the surveys were filled out and returned to me. I interviewed 10 different families of many different cultures to get the family’s views about parental involvement and how their children can be influenced with their achievement. I presented the results of my interviews through charts and written analysis. The limitation that I encountered while doing my observation was mainly based on the openness of the parents in regards to their child’s achievement in school. Also, due to the working schedule of the families, it was a challenge to arrange home visits to do the interview with them. It's a fact that some children struggle in school. They struggle for different reasons. Some parents seem to be concerned that their child is struggling in school. Part of the reason they struggle is because their parents aren’t getting involv

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