Human trafficking is defined as organized criminal activity in which human beings are treated as possessions to be controlled and exploited (as by being forced into prostitution or involuntary labor) ( Human trafficking, which is the “parent” topic to sex trafficking, is the modern day practice of slavery; it affects many lives around the world. With help we can put an end to this modern day slavery, with the help of specialized organizations and awareness to the public. Human Trafficking is one of the fastest growing criminal industry in the world and is the second largest organized crime. In the most recent studies in 2012, it is estimated that 2.4 million people across the globe are victims of human trafficking at any one time, and eighty percent of them are being exploited as sexual slaves ( In this modern day slavery, mostly women and young girls are the victims. Around the world, fifty to sixty percent of the children trafficked into sex slavery are under the under age of sixteen. Twenty five percent of all child sex tourists around the world are United States citizens ( About five thousand to seven thousand victims that are trafficked in the United States come from East Asia and the Pacific. Three thousand-five hundred to five thousand-five hundred come from Latin America, Europe and Eurasia. Six-hundred thousand to eight hundred-thousand individuals are trafficked across the international borders each year, with seventy percent of them being women and children. Being aware of the crime Human Trafficking is the first step to helping the victims of this modern day slavery. The communities need to be aware of what can be happening in their community to their friends, family, children, women and men. It takes everyone in the community to work together to help fight against this crime. All individuals should learn and be able to recognize the signs of human trafficking and supp