?Introduction As children, many of us played outside on a beautiful hot summer days or built snowmen in knee high drifts of snow. We stayed outside until our parents’ patience wore thin. Truth is, I hated being inside. I have a 6 year old sister who I’ve yet to see build a fort out of blankets and chairs, which is something that I can say has been done by everyone of us a some point in time. According to the CDC article last updated February 19th, 2013 only 29% of students surveyed participate in physical activities for at least 60 minutes a day. Children today have become less involved in the outside world and have rooted themselves deep within the screens of technology such as iPods, tablets, and video games. Technology has become more child friendly in the recent years and there are some advantages and disadvantages to children becoming more tech savvy. Today we will go through the different way that technology is targeted to children and what are some pro and cons. I. So let’s begin talking about the different was technology is targeted towards children. As said in the January 2nd, 2014 article in the New York Times, “technology companies are racing to introduce gadgets made for smaller and smaller hands.” Tablets are being made for children as young as 6 years old. As I’ve told you before I myself have a 6 year old sister and she has been working an iPad since the age of 4. Companies such as Dream Works, Disney, and Nickelodeon are printing the famous faces of their movies and TV shows on the back of their devices in efforts to draw the attention of the minds with the small hands. I wasn’t allowed to have my own cell phone, with text messages (that makes a difference) until I was in high school. I have seen kids in elementary school with better phones than me. Cellular devices such as the iPhone are now coming in bright vibrant colors such as pink and yellow, and this is partly because they want to attract a