1.0 Context Blackrock Hotels are dedicated to maintaining its policy on recruitment, selection, induction-training and grievances which it sees as vital and necessary in order to achieve and maintain the smooth running of the business. The policy is necessary in order for Blackrock Hotels to achieve the following objectives, which are to: - Maintain its good name and reputation with employees through being fair, courteous and professional - To make sure that the hotel recruit and retain its highest quality staff - To make sure that enough and quality staff are used to achieve its strategic and business objectives - To ensure that the work process and procedures are adhered to in dealing with grieved employees 1.1 Policy Purpose This policy aims to implement equal employment opportunity in every stage of its recruitment process regardless of race, sex, marital status, sexual orientation. This is done in order to ensure that the hotel complies with employment legislation and practices, as well as make sure that all employees are conversant with the policy document. It is also implemented in order to induction and training to all new staff and ensure all employees participate. 1.2 Benefit The benefit of the policy is to ensure that: - HR strategy matches with the organization’s strategy - Establish smooth and direct communication between HR and all managers - Ensure that all managers and staff who may participate in the recruitment and selection process are fully informed regarding its objective and explaining same to all new employees - All managers will be conversant with all administrative policies and to enforce it on all employees 1.3 Principles The policy is to ensure that all guidelines and procedures are adhered to by managers especially when implementing an