Abstract Intuition can be an effective decision making tool. The problematic part is choosing positive solutions, especially when it complements rational analysis. When institution gains recognition as an essential decision making tool life becomes dynamic, less structured. Intuitive skills can provide a better perspective on life that can allow you to maintain a higher awareness of God, yourself and the world. The ability to grasp the truth or solution is one of the benefits. Solution comes from somewhere in the subconscious mind, instead of being a result a lengthy chain of logical derivations. Constructing a formal derivation requires thinking it can show both validity and invalidity; derivations can only show validity. The derivative is the heart of intuition; derivate create an ideal form of change from an inadequate guess. Who endowed the heart with wisdom or gave understanding to the mind? (Job 38:3 New International Version) Our connection to the universe and others resides within each of us. Intuitive awareness is a deep wisdom, an inner knowing an internal source of knowledge and understanding. As our intuition is developed we can begin to sense what feels right and true for us at any given time. When used as a practical tool our intuitive skills we can deal with life's experiences make quick and pertinent decisions, acquire solutions to problems and inspire ideas. It is an incredible inner resource and gift that we can use to enhance the quality of our lives Intuition has been described as the inner guidance, a method of an inner of instinctive knowing that does not involve the logical thought process. Intuition is an internal source of knowledge, of awareness. Most decision making consists of some controversy, intuition can make you more effectual in decision making, particularly when you deal with nonstandard situations. There is no need for you to sit on the mountain top in silence for years to obtain intuition. Sending time in the Word, turning off the voices in your head and meditating will be an illustrious help. Intuition can come after of during those silent moments. There are times when we all have had a “gut feeling” a “hunch” and when that feeling is dismissed there are consequences. An established researcher, Gary Klein, discloses that, 90 percent of the critical decisions we make are based on our intuition and explains that intuition if far from being an instinctive “sixth sense,” it is a learnable and essential skill (Klein, 2004). All of us have intuition in varying degrees and the ability to develop it further. There are many profound that have emphasized the importance of intuition. The famous quote “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant the gift” was made by Albert Einstein. Psychology defines intuition as perception or immediate insight as contrasted with conscious reflection of reasoning. Intuition is recognized as an essential and indispensable tool. Intuition is one of the four major functions of the human mind along with sensation, thinking, and feeling. A balance of these functions within ourselves, we have the ability to maximize our potential. There will be times when the client will try to hide or is hesitant in revealing what is really keeping them from reaching their goal. This act can be intentionally or unintentionally. This research will reveal our intuitive skill is a gift of discernment and an avenue for wisdom. Jung is recorded as saying “I regard intuition as a basic psychological function that mediated perception in an unconscious way. Intuition enables us to divine the possibilities of a situation.” When a coach has respect for themselves, they can view themselves from a variety of angles. By viewing yourself from different angles you can become a better coach having a greater awareness of who you in Christ. In Psychological Types Jung (1971/1921) describes four basic psychic functions that are capable of becoming conscious: intuition, sensation, feeling, and thinking: Under sensation I include all perceptions by means of the sense organs; by thinking, I mean the function of intellectual cognition and the forming of logical conclusions; feeling is a function of subjective evaluation; intuition I take as perception by way of the unconscious, or perception of unconscious events. (p. 518) The use of intuitive skills in coaching can help the coach get the client to open up and get to the heart of the problem(s). The use of this skill will help you see yourself and others with unconditional love, the importance of forgiving yourself and the ability to forgive others. “My specialty is creating lives of purpose and passion through waking up to your True Self, Your Divine self, the one God created you to be.” Sandra Baker, MRET, Intuitive Life Coach. Matthew 5:13-14 tell says "You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteles