
Public Policy, Formulation, Implementation, and Assessment

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Looking at the Minnesota State Legislation Bill number H. F. 237, there are several areas that are evident when it comes to diversity, democracy, and due process. Looking at this specific piece of legislation we found that locating specific parts of the bill was rather challenging. In addition, there are also many problems with this policy that will be identified in this paper. Diversity The provision of promoting diversity about this bill relates to those that are targeted to be ineligible to possess firearms and ammunition. Those ineligible are those who have been committed by a court because the person is mentally ill, developmentally disabled, or mentally ill and dangerous to the public even if the court stayed the commitment order. This also targets offenders who are convicted of either the crime of falsely reporting a lost or stolen firearm or the crime of transferring a firearm to an ineligible person from possessing firearms for the remainder of the offenders' lives (Bill Summary H. F. 237, 2013, p. 3). The social construction that this bill is targeting is the population where criminals are predominantly black and Hispanic who are politically powerless. In addition, by imposing a twenty five dollar fee for a permit, it limits the socioeconomic status of those that want to purchase firearms (Bill Summary H. F. 237, 2013, p. 1). This can be determined based on the patterns of gun violence in the United States that have been shaped by race. "Statistical data for diversity as it relates to gun violence, blacks were wrongly characterized as both murder victims and offenders. The offending rate for blacks is 34.4 per 100,000, however for whites its 4.5 per 100,000" (U.S. Department of Justice, 2011, pp. 2-3). In the United States, poor people consist of more whites than black people and whites are less likely to be in neighborhoods that are disadvantaged compared to blacks. Research has revealed that the rates of violence between race and ethnicity groups have found that it has been shown that the differences in where the groups lived did matter. Those who lived in areas that had a greater amount of disadvantaged people are going to be more exposed to violence as a victim and or a suspect (Bryant, 2013, p. 3). Another study showed the socioeconomic status is significantly related to violence. Along with this, it also discussed that African Americans and Hispanics commit more violent crimes than those of white people. Researcher concluded that socioeconomic status as well as the importance of the neighborhood has a huge impact on whether a person will commit violence or not (Kaufman, 2005, pp. 225-235). Democracy It is evident that by looking and evaluating this bill that it does not promote democracy as the process is impossible to follow as well as to find information. While the information may be available to the public for perusal, it is not easily accessible and someone with general research skills would, most-likely, have a very difficult time finding the information they are looking for in order to research the bill. If democracy is the basis of the United States government and its operations, then citizens should have the accessibility and ease of locating the materials needed if they would like to learn

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