“I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within.” - General Douglas MacArthur Although General MacArthur's quote was spoken in response to a shaken America during WWII, those words are still relevant today. France, among many countries, is full of diversity and traditions; incorporating several multicultural aspects from food to fashion. The niqab, is one of the many forms of clothing worn by many Muslim women who live in France. It is a full length garment that conceals the entire body except for the eyes. In recent years, attire such as the niqab is being identified as an inappropriate, and now illegal, form of public clothing. The ban in France justly forbids the niqab in order to enhance safety, freedom and equality in French society. While some argue that France is breaking laws, conversely, it seeks to prevent law breaking and increase safety measures. Banning all women in France from wearing the niqab, or any form of the veil that covers the face, sparked outrage yet the ban features a sense of morality. In 2006, CBC news reports of a man killing and wounding Afghan soldiers with an explosive hidden underneath his niqab. A few months later, the Toronto Star reports of a jewelry robbery where two people, one wearing a niqab, held the store owner at gun point. The niqab conceals its wearer completely and acts as a haven and a form of disguise for criminals. While there are security cameras and witlessness present at the scene of some crimes, a niqab wearing perpetrator is nearly impossible to identify. In 2012, a grade eight student, with the use of a niqab, managed to purchase alcohol at an LCBO. This stunt, performed by the Sun News Network, reveals one of the multiple illegal uses of the niqab. Seeing as how these countries suffer from within, France is simply taking a precaution to provide a safe environment for