
Children in a Changing World

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Time is a constant and endless equation, and the constant result is an alteration. Time increases and changes are created; creating an endless number of results, as it continues forward for an endless amount of time. Just like we went from wagons to cars, slavery to equality, and even black and white pictures to ones that make the images we capture appear better than reality; time changes all. One of the largest alters that this equation has created has been a growth in time, within society. Not only have things changed over time, time has began to speed up within society. New bills and laws have been passed, new standards have been created, and history has been made. What this picture has shown me is the truth that our societal age, has quickened. Kids are smoking cigarettes at younger ages whether laws permit it or not. Teenagers are getting pregnant, and people are dying younger and younger; whether it be in the streets, of disease, or across seas at war. I believe that the photographer of this picture was trying to display the image of our time increase. Everything is happening faster than it once did. People are maturing faster, accepting mature responsibilities earlier, and quite frankly we are just growing up faster. The first thing that stood out to me about this picture was the fact that these girls looked no older than maybe nine years old, and one of them is smoking a cigarette. The last thing that ever came to my mind at that age was a cigarette, and the thought of smoking one now still is a little weird to me. They are hanging out, playing in the kiddy sized pool, in what I am guessing to be a summer day being normal kids. But what is abnormal is that this child is smoking a cigarette and has this posture and poise that she is comfortable with it. I wouldn’t know what to do with a cigarette still now as a young adult, let alone when I was nine or ten. If you were to hand younger girls a cigarette and take a picture, the guess would be that they would have a look on their face of either disgust or one that would describe they had no idea what to do with it. In this instance that would be deemed incorrect. She has a swagger about herself that she is proud of, that she is mature eno

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