Many of life’s greatest rewards come without a monetary value being attached to it. To be completely honest, many of life’s greatest gifts come without any hassle or effort. These rewards usually help us through our darkest hour, and yet we usually take advantage of them and not even realize it. One might ask, “How could any reward come without a price tag or stipulation?” In response would be, “One that could not be taken away from you; one that remains in your heart and memories forever.” One that is so great such as the smile of a loved one. Typically my weekday mornings are a bit of a blur because I am anything but a morning person. I get up at 6 am only to press the snooze button on my alarm clock for an additional 10 minutes of sleep. After my alarm goes off yet again I realize that I have absolutely no choice but to get out o f bed; this is when the real madness begins. F rom the time that I get out of bed I have exactly an hour and 45 minutes to get both myself and my five year old son (who is also not a morning person) ready and to school and work. Within that time I must endure my son Jaydien helplessly saying every morning, “It’s too hard, I’m too tired to get up” several times before he actually gives in and gets out of bed. Once Jaydien is ready I allow him time to eat breakfast while I am scrambling around trying to get myself ready. Since I am usually pressed for time as a result of both myself and my son’s inability to get out of our beds breakfast for me is either eaten in the car or completely out of the question. The highlight of my day is when I drop Jaydien off to school in the morning and he smiles and gives kiss on the cheek while telling me to have a good day. I then have 30 minutes if I am lucky to make it to work on time; and as one probably could probably imagine it is a miracle that I “barely” make it there by 8 o’clock. Luckily for me my weekday evenings are a little less