
Biomechatronic Limbs - Robotic Prosthetics

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In the United States, there are 315,826,292 people, and in this large population, approximately 1.6 million amputees are among us and the annual rate of increasing amputees is 156,000 a year, a substantial amount. The Current prosthetics for amputees are fragile, weak, and for lack of a better term, and no pun intended, they are lifeless. Prosthetic limbs are for the most part, plastic and sometimes plaster, and even some of the later ones becoming carbon fiber for extra reliability. The problem that still lurks is that these limbs still do not allow for mobility for the people who do not have control or do not have a limb at all. Even the most advanced of prosthetic limbs available to the mass public of amputees only allow for very minute movements, and not precise at all. Another unfortunate point of these very low-tech limbs is that unless the amputee has about half of their limb left, there is no chance they will receive any control over that prosthetic limb. An amazing new technology that is emerging is being referred to as "Smart Limbs." Essentially, these are just robotic prosthetics. This is an industry where the surface has barely been scratched. There is only a small product range in this field, there are products such as the HAL robotic exoskeleton by the Japanese company Cyberdyne. But, as I said before, since the technology is still very new, there are extreme drawbacks to this robotic exoskeleton. The exoskeleton only has a small activity life due to power limitations and its movements are very limited due to the bulky motors, which had to be employed due to design flaws. Products are coming more and more advanced as time comes on but there is still no product that can have a full range of motion, as well as a long lasting life. Without these two factors any form of robotic prosthetic is rendered completely useless. As far-fetched and fabled as it is, the technology behind Marvel's superhero "Iron Man," is not too far from reality. In the story, the man creates a robotic suit. This acts as a robotic prosthetic to assist him. The possibilities of robotic prosthetics are not far off from what this suit is like, and these prosthetics would have to work in the very similar manner. In the story, there are small diodes that read what electrical impulses are being sent out from the spinal cord to the muscles. The brilliant part about this type of work is that the entire leg could be amputated, it doesn't matter, it also does not rely on the muscles of part of the limb still being there to be picked up by sensors. It relies solely

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