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"Now let man take over!" This quotation captures one of Mumford's main concerns. Mumford expresses his urgent concerns over the subtle and somewhat brainwashing way that authoritarian techniques are taking over our society and leading us to believe that our civilization is developing in a beneficial and democratic way. Mumford repeatedly stresses the negative side of authoritarian ways and how technology is supporting this authoritarian ways of life. He also continues to say that the civilization now is oblivious to how the authoritarian techniques are taking over, and how the system is covering this up to society by maintaining the cover of democratic objectives which is actually the system themselves caging in society. I agree with Mumford's view that technology is somewhat taking over the freedom people once enjoyed. That technology acts as a double-sided sword- as much of a benefit it is to society's growth and development, it also cripples society deeply. You can see now, that technology is taking away many of the jobs previously done by people. That technology is also at fault for many fatal accidents taking humans lives which are "beyond human control". My trouble arises with Mumford's "warning" on what may happen to society if we do not cut the authoritarian techniques. I believe that these authoritarian techniques are almost necessary for society to develop and grow to sustain population and population's needs. Mumford himself stated that the democratic techniques work excellent between smaller societies, where people can act freely and know each other as persons. Our population, of roughly 8 billion, is almost impossible to function efficiently under a sole democratic view. I coincide with Mumford's view that humans do need autonomy to be happy, and to benefit society- but I also believe that over time society has became dependent on an authoritative guide and if we took this guide away, civilization would break down. A

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