People tend to think that the Internet is greatly improving our country. It is sometimes hard to distinguish whether the Internet hurts us more than it helps. The Internet is dangerously damaging our society, and people need to become more aware of the effects the internet plays on their lives. The Internet has changed our world in many ways but people tend to argue if they are for the better or worst of the country. Our intelligence has suffered from the overuse of the Internet. People today use websites like Google to find out anything they need to know. If someone doesn't know the answer to a history question, it is just "Googled." What happened to the old fashioned ways of using the textbook, dictionary, or encyclopedia? It may be much faster and easier but it's not right to always take the easy way out of things. Having a good work ethic doesn't come from taking the easy way out of ones problems. A large burst of laziness has come with the birth of internet. Though the Internet may be the greatest invention, it needs much work to truly benefit our country. Although our intelligence suffers, it also has a very large effect on the economy. The Internet is costing many people their jobs because of product being sold online that used to be sold in stores. For example, wholesale stores sell counterfeit products for half of the price the genuine product sells for. Counterfeit products are easy to buy because it generally cost half of the original price. Fakes are sold mostly online because it is illegal to sell pirated items. Companies that produce those types of products have been going out of business, causing many working people to lose their job. It is easy to scam and steel from people on the Internet when it ask for PayPal or western union. Those payment methods wire the money straight to the person. Wiring money is like a direct deposit into the other persons bank. People sell items that require the payment ahead of time but t