I remember when I had it all; when I woke up every morning with no worries. It had to change when I did the actions that had consequences that could change any man. All I could do now was keep my head up and remain loyal to myself. I tell myself that everything will be okay but the truth is that my soul is a glass house, that the Devil laughed and shattered. People look at me, as I look back with no emotion, and they wonder what was my story. So the story goes, I was 12 years old chilling and smoking weed before I went and chose my fate. I hit the streets of Stockton with only one homie beside me. I had something to prove, so it wasn't time to take me lightly. It was cold, about two in the morning on what I thought was a friday night. It wasn't very long until I saw some scraps in sight, there was one standing outside and one in the liquor store. We had to do it fast before they noticed; we pulled up on them, jumped out the car and set it off. We heard the clerk in the background calling the cops; but we still continued beating on them until we saw blood was being spilt, and at that very moment I knew this was for reals. I wasn't really tripping or felt no kind of remorse. When I fled from the scene, I was laughing as I saw them bleeding on the floor. I knew it wasn't right but i couldn't help the way I feel because I knew it was kill or be killed. Now on this day, I wake up thanking God that I'm living another day and ask for forgiveness for the sins I might have to make. I wonder about the choices I made and then the alternatives I could have done. I can only go on with life by showing no emotions, as I remember what my life was and think about the road I have chosen. My memory goes back to when I was living with the family that I had to turn my back to; just because I wanted to protect them from the choices I've done. The choices that made me grow up too quick. With these thought in my head I get up and put on the shirt that som