
Armenian-American Soul Food 

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The history of mankind has demonstrated a lot of times that when two or more different nations cooperate, they adopt some of each others traditions, customs, etiquette and even culinary cultures. The process of adoption of eating habits from other nations is the main reason of the fact that lots of nations today use the same kind of dishes. One of the most vivid instances of this phenomena is the creation of the idea of "soul food , which was the mix of culinary cultures of African American, Native American and migrated European populations. Another excellent example, is the mix of American and Armenian culinary cultures, which is brilliantly described in Rose Baboian's book "Armenian-American Cook Book 1. Analyzing all the possible angles of this writing, we can assume that the author's general question was how Armenian national culinary culture has changed and affected American eating habits for Armenians living in the United States of America, and the instantaneous reply for this central question is that Armenian national culinary culture was affected in various ways including by food preparation techniques, the use of ingredients that were previously popular only for American cooking system and by the use American dishes during holidays and other important days of the year. The book "Armenian-American Cook Book  by Rose Baboian is a simplified presentation of the mix of culinary systems of Armenian, Near Eastern, and American cuisines. The author of the book, Ms. Baboian, was the first child of Armenian family who accidentally escaped from Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Empire during 1915. She was born in Aintab, Cilicia where her family settled after World War 1. From childhood she was very interested in preparing different kinds of food. Some of the recipes Baboian learned from her mother, as her mother was really professional and well-experienced in culinary systems. She started to explore Armenian national dishes when she was just a child. Baboian moved to the United States when she was 19, and there she continued her passion towards cooking and exploring diverse kinds of preparation techniques. Interestingly, she quickly noticed the major differences between American and Armenian systems of cookery. As an illustration, she states that some Armenian national dishes are quite sophisticated compared to American dishes2. Moreover, she also noticed the actual differences between food preparation techniques of Armenian-American and Armenian national culinary systems. All these elements became the basis of that fact that Baboian decided to write a book about the dining culture of Armenian immigrants in the US, helping f

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