
Personal Story - A Chain Reaction

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"Ahhhh!" This was all I heard coming from the emergency room. My sister in law was in the middle of having her baby and the screams were so loud that I couldn't think straight. The hallways were cold and everyone was chattering. I was with my family but I felt alone as if none of them understood me. A few hours later my brother and sister in law came out of the room and we all went to look at the baby. When my family looked at him they saw an adorable new born baby. Some saw him as their nephew or grandchild. I saw him as my little brother. Even though he wasn't my brother I felt that I was always going to be in his life and that he was going to change mine. My name is Nathanael Webb and this is my story. I've always been the youngest of my brothers. The "baby boy" some might call me. So I've never had a little brother, only two little sisters. I always wanted to know what it was like to have a little brother. But my parents decided that they weren't going to have any more kids. It seemed that all hope of me having a little brother was lost. So I waited for an opportunity to spark and that's exactly what happened when my brother had his first child. I saw him as the little brother that I never had. I babysat him and watched over him all the time. I'd always go to my brother's house and play with him and hang out with him. It was me and him against the world. I love him till this day and always will. He means everything to me, and I can't think of my life without him. We have a connection that many wouldn't understand. We have so much in common even though he is so young and I'm almost out of high school. I finally get to be the older brother who can teach him how to play baseball or how to ask a girl out. I get to be his role model and the person who will always have his back. My nephew, Christopher, has forever changed my life. From as far as I can remember I've always been a nice and smart person. I like to make people happy.

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