
Sociology Stratification

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According to this assignment, useful methods of functionalism were assessed as an explanation of stratification in comparison with Marxism. Social action theory and postmodernism will be compared with relevant modern examples of modern Britain. After illustrating the topic of stratification concerning inequality in terms of unequal distribution of power, prestige and wealth, it presents the functional importance by stating social stratification as a functional necessity for all society. Another perspective outlines social change is driven by class struggle as well as the polarization of class "Next," it will analyze the differences and similarities between social action theory and Marxism. Finally, the death of class will be criticized. These examples show that some theories are no longer useful for sociologists to evaluate modern Britain;Meanwhile it can be seen that functionalism is less useful in modern Britain. Like many functionalists did, Parsons believed that each individual should be evaluated and placed in different status in terms of his or her capability in performing society's common values, which was based on the supposition of a value consensus ”a general agreement and sustainable worth." In other words, those who succeeded would get higher ranks and receive more rewards for typifying common values. Parsons provided the examples of the values of Sioux Indians and American society to claim that different societies have different value systems. Parsons thought that the stratification systems are inevitability of all human society. Because there is no group can satisfy the needs of its members without reciprocity, their relationship extends in a stratification system, which means that each class needs to cooperate with the others and any large-scale task requiring organization and execution. Parsons also indicated that there is a prospective for conflict that controlled by the common value to give a specific concentration on "the effects of norms and values in forming status relations" ( Fulcher. J, Scott. J, 2007: 812). Since there are so many roles in the contemporary world, Parsons argued that inequality was inevitable in modern society as well as stated that the inequalities of power were based on shared values. Davis and Moore stated that social systems which shared certain functional prerequisites must be met for survive and operate efficiently; therefore, society must ensure that people utilise their talents completely. As Kirby said in 1999, functionalists see inequality as legitimate, since they believed that various positions of individuals should be based on merit. However, in modern Britain, sociologists believed that social mobility is important because whether have or have-nots have the same opportunities to achieve higher status position. Also, members of the class may have a negligible sense of shared values and will be "unlikely to develop a strong and distinctive class culture" (Roberts, K. 2011). Furthermore, with the expand of higher education, society is responsible for the provision of the skills it needs and therefore, increasing the social mobility in the country. Having described the theory of Parsons, the assignment will now analyze the theory of Davis a

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