
Political Imperialism

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Political imperialism is when one nation controls a weaker nation. America saw what Europe turned into after they imperialized and went from an isolationist country to an imperial power. It caused them to come out of their own bubble and start as well. The U.S. also imperialized very well and did it right. The U.S. became very powerful after imperializing especially due to their part in the Spanish-American war. The U.S had good reasons for imperializing. The U.S. had an excessive amount of goods that were not a necessity; this also lowered the value for their food and people lost jobs. The U.S. had to figure out something to do and the top thing was to get out of isolationism. Isolationism is when a nation remains on their own and does not involve themselves in any other countries business. The United States military wasn't very powerful and need to extend into other nations through imperialism to assert more dominance. This helped them during interactions with other nations have military and navy close by. Especially due to the help of the goals of imperialism for the United States were reasonable and fair to both other countries and to themselves. Also the help from the navy was very good in keeping themselves powerful. America gained spheres of influence over other territories like China, allowing them to sell their extra goods to other nations. They used china and created an Open-Door Policy which said that nations could only use China to help trade their goods and not colonize China but only use it to sell. Extractive colonies were used to colonized colonies for their materials, like Cuba and sugar. Although Spanish caused trouble for the sugar trade when they ruled over Cuba. Cuba was under control of the Spanish, hurting the investment of sugar to Cuba. Cuba and Spanish were similar to the U.S with Britain, but the Spanish were much crueler to the Cubans under the rule of General Valeriano Weyler. Weyler used similar tactics

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