Hello class, I have chosen the discussion thread about Monsoons. Feel free to comment or ask questions and I will do my best to answer them! A Monsoon is a seasonal current wind which lasts for multiple months. The word "monsoon," was introduced from the English, in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and some of the other surrounding countries, to be known as the big seasonal winds blowing from the Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea in the southwest bringing massive rainfall to the areas. The English name Monsoon, came from the Arabic word mawsim (mausim) meaning 'seasons', referring to seasonal winds accomplished by the persons who traveled in the Arabian Sea. The definition consists of major wind systems that change direction seasonally (yahoo answers). In the summer with sea to land it is called the "onshore flow and in the winter with land to sea it is called the "offshore flow" (Hess p. 114). A good way to explain a monsoon is to blame unequal heating continents and oceans (Hess p.114). Dry weather seems to play a big part when it comes to monsoons. When the temperature of the land is drastically cooler or hotter the oceans temperature is when monsoons tend to occur.The process includes the ocean and the land collecting heat in different ways.The lands surface gets hotter, the air over it increase and an area of low pressure progress. As this happens the ocean stays at a reduced temperature than the land, and the air above it stays at a higher pressure. This contrast in pressure causes sea breezes (or an onshore breeze) to blow from the ocean to the land, bringing humid air inland. The humid air rises to a higher altitude over land and then it goes back toward the ocean, this completes the process (Wikipedia). Monsoons occur in many parts of the world. There are two major monsoon systems, one of them in South Asia and another in East Asia. The two minor systems are in West Africa and also in Australia. In Central America and in the s