
Including Chocolate in Your Diet

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In our textbook, "Your Health Today," there is a chart from that provides all the food groups and suggested daily servings and choices. I saw an older food pyramid, also on the USDA website, which has a group that is not on this chart, the fat, oils and sweets group. It is amusing to me that this group is at the top of the pyramid, but considered the group to consume least. In my opinion, this arrangement correlates with American's high sugar intake. During a CBS New York newscast, neuroscientist Dr. Will Clower stated eating chocolate several times daily will help with weight loss and eating less. Clower also said to eat chocolate before and after both lunch and dinner. "A small piece of chocolate can control your appetite and may even help regulate metabolism," Gastroenterologist Dr. Christine Frissora said. Frissora said chocolate can also lower your cholesterol  and decrease your risk of stroke and heart attack. She recommended a serving should be the size of your thumbs end. Dr. Frissora stated you must indulge in moderation suggesting 60 calories or less, and the darker the chocolate the better. I have always loved dark chocolate. I keep a stash of Hershey's dark chocolate Kisses and Hershey's Special Dark chocolate chips. The recommended daily sugar allowance is at most 36 grams ( although sugar is not listed as necessary. Dark chocolate Hershey's Kisses have 21 grams of sugar if you consume a full serving of 9 kisses. Based on the Dr.'s recommendation, 4 Kisses would be approximately 10 grams of sugar, but the calories are high. At 21 calories per kiss, you will be over by 24 calories on the Dr.'s recommendation if you eat 4. I mostly use the Hershey's Special Dark chocolate chips to make homemade trail mix, but, if I'm out of Kisses, I will eat these chips alone as well. The recommended serving is 1 tablespoon which is approximately 12 chips. At 70 calories, these will fit perfectly in the diet

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