At its most basic definition, government is an institution that is created by a society to govern that society. If government was business its product would be state policy that is created through a process known as politics. Politics is the process of making collective decisions in a society and implementing it through state policy. "A government is the people or organizations that make, enforce, and implement political decisions for a society. (Ethridge, Handelman. pg. 7) The contemporary role of governance is incredibly diverse, including many conflicting theories about how governments should work. Democracies, theocracies, monarchies, federalism, totalitarianism, communism, socialism, the welfare state, dictatorships and republics are amongst the most common. "Through the scientific study of politics we attempt to find out why some forms of government work better than others, how people influence government, how governments change over time, how economic systems influence politics, and many other related matters. Ultimately, however, questions about politics and government are important because of what is at stake when governments act (or fail to act) (Ethridge, Handelman pg. 13). Moreover, all types of governments or forms of state governance affect every major human activity in many fundamental ways by Rule Making, Rule Execution and Rule Adjudication are the most basic functions of government, "but other tasks must be performed for the system to operate effectively. Governments must be able to communicate with their citizens. People must be aware of laws if they are to obey them, and they must know about new programs if they are to participate in them. The leaders must also have some way of determining what people want, what they will support, and what they will not tolerate. Governments need some way to recruit leaders, It is also necessary that governments have some means of extracting resources (such as taxes, military service, or labor in public works projects) from their citizens. (Ethridge, Handelman pg. 8) By creating public policy that is framed through public enquiry and established as law. The main functions of state policy is to benefit economic activity, establish the rule of law, collect tax, allocate national wealth, protect private property rights, ensure development of community and maintain its sovereign national interests through its military arsenal. Modern government or western government consists of many divisions and offices, but at its core are legislators, administrators, and arbitrators. Article I of the Constitution in the United States establishes the House of Representatives and the Senate as main Legislative Branches, which together form the United States Congress. The Constitution states Congress is endowed with the sole responsibility to pass legislation and declare war. The House of Representatives is made up of 435 elected members, divided among the 50 states in proportion to their total population. Whereas the Senate is represented by two senators, from each U.S. state who serve six-year terms. The Senate is both a more commanding and more prestigious body than the House of Representatives, due to its longer terms, smaller size, and statewide constituencies. Moreover, the complexity and vast size