Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is a highly respected individual and a model of actions and values to follow in the Islamic faith. Anne Marie Schimmel provides an easy to understand explanation and analysis of his importance in Islam. She not only provides historical background, but also addresses areas of concern and things that are continuously misunderstood by Western societies and faiths. She begins the text by introducing Prophet Muhammad by comparing and contrasting how Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is to Islam as to how Jesus is to Christianity, which is a clever way of helping the reader grasp the concept of him being a prophet, not the incarnate (son of God). She continues to introduce Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and how he received the revelation and that all Muslims believe "There is no deity save God, [and] Muhammad is the messenger of God," which is the fundamental phrase that the rest of the text builds upon. Schimmel then familiarizes the reader with the concept of the hadith, and emphasizing that these "stories are not explicitly laid out in the Quran and are concepts, values, and stories that have been passed down relating to Prophet Muhammad and how he lived his life. They can be first, second or even third hand accounts and they can be distinguished from the reliable sources and not reliable sources based on who said it and the scholar presenting it. Hadiths lay the foundation for the rest of the text as Schimmel mentions the importance of them, talks about specific ones and explains how Muslims interpret or use these hadiths in their lives. She provides historical background for the hadiths and how history has changed some interpretation, such as the British occupation in Muslim states, and the age of technology. She highlights on Prophet Muhammad's loving nature with quotes and poetry and explains his relationships with people, including beggars, his wives, etc. She explains why the prophet had so many wives. She speaks of his