
A Study of Gender Roles

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Research Question How do changing societal values affect the perception of gender separation in childhood activities?  A. Class Readings "The Myth of the Latin Woman," by Judith Ortiz Cofer, relates to our research question because Cofer explores her cultural and feminine segregation throughout her entire life, including childhood. "The Wife Beater," by Gayle Rosenwald Smith, relates to our research question because it questions differing societal perceptions based on particular age brackets. B. Blog Posts Michael Chamberlain's post on the abortion tab of the blog: "I personally believe that if you have a penis and have a hundred percent chance of never getting pregnant, you should not interject your opinions." This comment relates to our question because it attacks the idea of abortions and their acceptance over time, taking special account to men's interjections. C. Reliable Internet Sources 1. Beyer, Dana. "Facebook's Gender Identities." The Huffington Post., 19 Feb. 2014. Web. 07 Mar. 2014. This article focuses on Facebook's gender identification broadening, they are offering more than just "male" and "female" now. 2. Blog, News, and Events." Gender Inequality and Women in the Workplace. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Mar. 2014. This article talks about wage inequality over the years. 3. "Mama's World: Help Children Avoid Gender Bias." The Observer. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Mar. 2014. 4. This article talks about how gender biases are formed at young ages. 5. D. Facts: 6. On average two women a week are killed by a violent partner or ex-partner in the UK. 7. Black and minority ethnic (BME) and migrant women experience a disproportionate rate of domestic homicide. 8. Up to 3 million women and girls across the UK experience rape, domestic violence, stalking, or other violence each year. 9. In 2011 the Forced Marriage Unit advised over 1,450 people related to a possible forced marriage, 78% of whom were

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