Advances in technology have reached levels that we could not have believed would happen generations ago. Some of things we know are possible existed only in science fiction books. Now people are worried and are asking, "How far is too far? Genetic Modification of living species should be stopped. Firstly genetic modification is disrupting the natural order of things. Secondly also the health of genetic modification is not 100% proven yet. Thirdly vegetarians are witnessing a crisis in their food. Finally some religious views are against GM. God has created the world in a cycle which can end as he wants it to end. Genetically modifying living species is when you get genes, bacteria, and viruses and add them to living species to make it either look better, taste better or maybe grow faster. Genetic modifications are destroying and disrupting the natural order of things. Cloning is a major example of genetic modification. In 1997 Dolly the Sheep was the first ever cloned mammal, and he is known as "the world's most famous sheep." Dolly died early when he was six (the normal life span of a sheep is 15 years). Dolly died from lung cancer because of the cloning process. Cloning can also result in the creation of unhealthy and malformed species and genetic monsters. For example in 2003, Taiwan created glowing fish and was sold it in pet shops. This is definitely disrupting the natural order of things, because genetic modification of living species can change the balance of nature in an ecosystem. For example herbivores (plant eaters) and pests are getting weaker because they are eating plants that do not have enough sun energy, this is because plants take up a lot of sun energy to live if they are cut out before they are fully grown the herbivores that will eat the plant will not have enough sun energy because as you go up the food chain you lose sun energy. Finally as you can see genetically modifying living species is destroying and