Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth president of The United States, once said, “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a men’s character, give him power.” Also referred to as "Honest Abe," Lincoln was, by all accounts, one the greatest presidents in the history of the United States. His legacy of leadership includes paving the way for the abolishment of slavery. The Civil War of 1861-1865 determined what kind of nation The United States of America will be and who better to lead this nation than a leader like Abraham Lincoln who led the Union to defeating the confederacy and united the South and North together. The Civil War started because of uncompromising differences between the free and slave states over the power of the national government to prohibit slavery in the territories that had not yet become states. The withdrawal of 11 southern states from the Union, in the period of 1860-1861, was the ones who sparked the war and made the Union take action. It was considered to be the bloodiest war in United States history with the outcome of the Confederate armies surrendering to the Union and the long painful process of rebuilding a united nation free of slavery began. Lincoln was a man who unlocked future value by collaborating and intertwining ideas of discovery, courage and discipline amid training and inspiring others to respond. He took the nation in its entirety and protected it from risky forces by blending history with the expression of respected spirits and ethicality. Boundaries were not blurred, behavior and actions were ethical, motivation was instilled, confidence was displayed, responsibilities were embraced, and his ears remain open to suggestions, criticism, and input, thus the reason a good percentage of people have stated that if it was not for Abraham Lincoln’s leadership skills during the Civil War than this country would have been two different nations. And although we cannot justify that, we