
Biblical Worship

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Worship is one of the most personal and intimate connections a person can make with God. Truly the author of the passage was right with saying that every born again Christian’s worship experience should be biblical. John 4:23-24 let us know that Jesus looks for our worship. He expects every true Christian to develop the correct way of worshipping him. It is safe to say that we all develop our personal and intimate style of worshipping our Savior, but that worship should stem from the Word of God. John 4:23-24 helps me to recognize that Jesus expects me to worship Him in spirit and in truth. This is the Word of God, and which was written in the bible will never change. As a blood wash believer, I must then approach my worship spiritually and not in the flesh. That means that I must move from my way and take on the way of Jesus. Now, my way of thinking and feeling goes out the window and I must renounce my own will and except the will of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. That experience ultimately begins when I pursue truth. Prayer is the best way of worshipping God. Prayer places every believer on a spiritual plateau where we can truthfully expose who we really are to Christ. Once truth is introduce in our worship, the Holy Spirit takes control of our worship and leads and guides us into all truth. It is impossible for anyone to worship God if that individual is not willing to except the truth found in God’s holy word. The only real way that we can establish a spiritual connection with Christ is through by reading and meditating on His word day and night. Developing a real Christian lifestyle comes by one’s own daily commitment to reading and studying God’s word. My commitment to reading and studying God’s word places me in a place of worshipping Him. My worship experiences are always evolving as I continue to draw nigh unto God. Meditation is so important with creating a worship experience. My personal time in meditation puts me in that intimate place with Christ, and one thing is for sure, that place is a wonderful place. Each time, I am shift from one place to another place with God. In other words, I am moved from my natural state of mind and shift into anot

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