1. Abstract 2. Introduction 3. Why was the firm investigated for antitrust behavior? 4. Identify some costs and include antitrust act 5. Are monopolies and oligopolies always bad for society? 6. Provide at least one example of a case where having a monopoly/oligopoly is benefits 7. Conclusion 8. References Abstract Carfax Inc. Lawsuit Attracts Antitrust Pioneer Berger & Montague. This case is under the USDO- Unfair Competition-Federal Trade Commission’s Act-Sherman and Clayton Act. (Lawyers settlements, 2014) These acts are federal antitrust laws that came about after the U.S. Civil War (1861-1900) when local markets grew into national markets. The Antitrust policy consists of laws and government actions that are designed to prevent monopoly and promote competition. They are applied to virtually all industries and every level of business. Businesses that include manufacturing, transportation, distribution and marketing. They are to help prohibit a variety of practices that restrain trade, price fixing conspiracies’ and illegal corporate mergers and firms that create actions to achieve monopolistic power (Bellavia). Introduction CarFax Inc was founded in 1984 in Columbia, Missouri by a computer professional named Ewin Barnett III. It is a well know commercial web-based service that supplies vehicle history reports to individuals and businesses for used cars and trucks posed in America and the Canadian markets. The Carfax information provides a detail history of the vehicle from its nationwide database. To most consumers they are the expert for reporting to used cars to sellers and buyers in the automotive industry. The report explains the previous conditions of the vehicle to avoid potential risks of buying a lemon. Sellers and buyers rely on Carfax to identify problems with newly purchased cars or trucks such as flood damage, re-calls and wreckages. This information is important because it has an impact on the decision