on September 20, 2013, the city of Chicago was witness to an unfortunate tragedy of gun violence when thirteen civilians were wounded - some critically - in a neighborhood park. This event occurred soon after the killing of twelve civilians in Washington D.C. at a Navel yard where another gun shooting took place when a person decide to go on a rampage of murdering his co-workers with a shotgun and handgun. There are many other news headline dealing with the issue of guns in America but what many people tend to confuse is the issue of gun control with the issue of violence caused by criminals who chose to not abide by the law. The United States of America is a country where law abiding citizens are privileged to have many rights. One of those rights is the Right to Keep and Bear Arms under the 2nd Amendment of the Nation's Constitution. The implementation of additional gun control laws by the government would not stop crime from happening because crime is caused by criminals, people that do not care to abide by laws and would find the means of acquiring guns illegally; instead, these laws would simply punish the law abiding citizens by taking more of their rights and freedom. The right of the people to keep and bear arms form infringement was adopted in December 15, 1971 along with the Bill of Right. The amendment had virtually gone unchallenged for more than one hundred years and became the hot topic of the 20th century. Hugh Lafollette describes gun control advocates as "those who oppose greater availability and support more substantial restrictions" (17). There are also gun advocates which according to Lafollette are "those who support most availability and are opposed to most restrictions." Both groups agree that guns are dangerous and that the most important issue in gun control is the safety of the American people. It is just the matter of how each group deals with the issues of accomplishing the goal, where the debate begi