Suppose that you've grown up and have settled down with your own little family. In making a family, you have brought to life an amazing daughter that is your world, you watch her grow up, through the good and bad times. You raised her with good morals and views on life. You watch her mature into a special woman. Then in less than a blink of an eye she's gone. She's disappeared from work, from social media, and has floated into thin air. Missing person's reports are filed and searches are conducted. Weeks go by, then months. Finally, a body is found. It's your sweet little baby daughter. The coroner concludes that your little girl was raped and choked to death by someone. Gone forever by the hands of one human being. Evidence is gathered and a suspect is arrested. The trial ensues and the jury convicts the suspect but the suspect only gets 25 years in prison. Wouldn't that outrage you? If I were the father I would want the killer to be executed for killing my daughter. The same can be said for any type of murder involving women, children, and men. That is why the death penalty should be brought back as a main way of prosecution for criminals of heinous crimes such as rape and murder. In fact, not only should the death penalty be more widely used, but old methods should be brought back also to scare potential criminals into not committing nasty crimes such as rape and murder. I think that one big reason why criminals commit disgusting crimes is because the punishments that are enforced aren't as bad as they seem to the criminal. If the punishments were scarier and more ruthless, the crimes of murder, rape, and others would go down. In Edward Koch's essay, Luis Vera said when asked about the crime he committed, "Yeah I shot her. She knew me, and I knew I wouldn't go to the chair" (Pg. 169). If he had known that using the electric chair was a big possibility and that he could face it, Vera might not have committed the crime of shooting Rosa Velez and she would still be alive. So a possible solution to prevent crimes of murder and rape would be to use the death penalty as the main punishment. Bringing back former execution methods such as hanging, using the guillotine, and even stoning could be used as effective methods for punishing murderers and rapists. They don't deser