
Finding Immortality

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What would happen to religion if there were immortality? Most religions are based on what happens in the next life and how our actions determine if there will be the reward of eternal life in the hereafter. Would it then follow that if there were no next life there would be no need for religion? What would happen to people's morals and ethics if they don't believe there is a judgment day? I believe that if there were eternal life religion would fade in time; the meaningfulness that people find in religious teachings would no longer have the profound effect. According to Bekhterev (2006), "The elevation of the "spirit above the body, love for one's fellow man, restraint from repaying evil with force, and self-sacrifice for the sake of truth and the common good- these are the moral principles that Christianity promoted" (p. 75). These religious principles would be in jeopardy if the threat of death no longer existed. Religion would have to be replaced by some other "motivator to live a good, moral, and ethical life. Aristotle states, "Virtue being of two kinds, intellectual and moral, intellectual virtue in the main owes both its birth and its growth to teaching, while moral virtue comes about as a result of habit" (p. 139). I think this supports the fact that religion plays a vital role in developing our moral virtues through its teachings and the habits that follow. If one is no longer concerned with the rewards of an after life, the importance of the teachings and habits of a moral life would certainly diminish. Immortality presents other problems for our society. Strains on the economy, and the planets resources would pose a threat to life, as we know it. Our planet is already overpopulated; there are millions of people fighting for food and other resources. Without death this problem would become more prevalent. There is a fragile ecological balance between humans and the rest of the eco system. I feel that there is good reason to believe that immortality has drastic implications for our environment. As the emissions of green house gases increases, and climate change takes place, we currently face an environmental cris

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