
Jay Gatsby

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Webster's official dictionary defines the word "love" as devoted attachment to, or tender or passionate affection for, one of the opposite sex. Some people will do extraordinary things just to find or reach it. For example, some will lie and cheat, just to strive for the one feeling we call love. In F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby," the main character, Jay Gatsby, spends his entire life trying to retrieve his first true love, Daisy Buchanan. He gets see what it is like to be without Daisy in his life. Gatsby is so blinded and focused on getting Daisy back that he wasted his life, time, friends that could have been, and possibly a person that could have made him forget about Daisy all together. Jay had a job working as a janitor to pay for his college expenses and when he was tired and frustrated with his job, he dropped out of school after only 2 weeks. All he wanted was to be part of a wealthy and high class life-style. After taking part in organized crime (illegal business), he gained what he wanted most: wealth. The types of illegal business Jay took part in included distributing illegal alcohol and trading stolen securities. Although Fitzgerald does not reveal what Gatsby's childhood was like right away, we get a feeling that the way he is getting all his money is fishy. We are not sure until Gatsby introduces Nick Carraway (Gatsby's new neighbor) to Gatsby's friend Meyer Wolfshiem. When he introduces Nick to Meyer, Gatsby states, "Meyer Wolfsheim? No, he's a gambler. Gatsby hesitated, then added coolly: "He's the man who fixed the World's Series back in 1919" (73). This shows that Gatsby has worked hard at not getting caught by associating himself with the right people. His first and only love Daisy Buchanan is the reason why he throws the parties just hoping she will come to one of them and where he lives. Before Jay Gatsby left for World War I, he lived in Louisiana where he was just looking for just a normal one nig

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