
Electronic Based Electronic Information Systems

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Contents I. Introduction.............................................................................................................................3 II. How businesses sell products and services on the Web........................................................4 III. The qualities of an effective Web business presence...........................................................6 IV. E-Commerce payment systems............................................................................................8 V. How to meet the needs of Web site visitors........................................................................10 VI. Ways of identifying and reaching customers on the Web..................................................11 VII. References.........................................................................................................................12 Introduction The influence of the Internet on World economy is growing constantly. Many large and small companies have already opened their representative Websites on the Internet. While some other companies totally shifting to Internet business. People all around the World prefer to shop and do their business online rather than the traditional one. Even online newspapers and magazines are becoming popular amongst the young generation. The rapidly growing Internet audience is a new market for the sales companies who operate on various profiles. The absence of geographical barriers to advertising , distributing and realizing goods and services on the Internet involving more and more new businesses. Although going online might unlock some features and solve many difficulties of the company linked with competitors, but to effectively open up a Website and efficiently manage it a special approach and adherence to all rules and regulations is required. How Businesses Sell Products and Services on the Web The rapid pace of economic growth with the improvement of living standards has developed the retail industry. The estimates show that sales on the Web outpace the overall retail growth and constitute nearly fifty percent compared to previous years. In addition to that it became a habit for people to search very single good or item on the Web. That is why consumers around the world prefer to go online and find what they need rather than going outside which could take much more time. Naoshad Kabir the analytic of E-Commerce portal called ''RusBiz'' stated on his article (2005) that in 2004 the number of Internet users in Russia doubled and thirty Russian E-shops have around one thousand visitors daily. Which shows that the interest for E-Commerce is growing year by year, not only in Russia but all over the World. However there is a doubt that E-shops are becoming a real threat for traditional retail stores who does not have an online store. Those stores which do not conduct business on the Web, might lose the market in favor of a more forward-thinking competitors who actively connected with E-Commerce. In order to effectively start up a business online there are some regulations to follow which would be beneficial for the owner. It is much more easier to create an E-shop nowadays due to the availability of high qualified specialist, readymade solutions for every problem which might come up and so on. The ways of selling products and services vary depending on what do you want to sell. Naoshad (2005) says that ''one of effective ways to introduce into the E-Commerce is the use of electronic trading platforms." E-trading platforms is a field where huge amount of sellers and buyers make deal in real time. Amazon and eBay can be a good example for electronic trade platforms. These two giants are great field for small businesses who trade online and it is not necessary to be an E-Commerce expert to use the Amazon or eBay. Chris Dawson the co-founder and editor of ''Tamebay'' where Chris and his co-founder Dan Wilson have a blog and forum totally dedicated to eBay stated on, (2013) that nearly five year ago the Amazon was the retailer of CD, DVD and books while eBay was concentrated on selling goods on an auction basis. Nowadays according to the ''Tamebay'' experts 62 percent of eBay sales come from fixed price sales which shows that auction basis selling is losing its popularity. While Amazon decided to expand into new categories such as housewares, garments, toys and electronics. ''eBay is three times bigger than Amazon, but Amazon is growing much faster,'' stresses Chris (2013). Although doing business on such platforms is very beneficial, there are some other factors which need to be considered before selling products and services online. Choosing the right product or service which can be competitive enough to be sold on the Web. However there is a belief that it is easier to sell some products such as clothing and footwear on traditional stores, most of other goods like electronics, books, housewares, cosmetics are mainl

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