Voltaire has a very good point in the excerpt from “Of Universal Tolerance." He states that all people are brothers and sisters, and that we should treat each other with a great sense of universal compassion. People are too reliant on the bent views of Christianity and need to see it for how it was originally intended. Love thy brother. Do not treat him with onslaughts of harshness because he sees a different view from you. Voltaire points out the flaws of what Christianity has become and many people are too stubborn to see what he is talking about. Some try to argue what the meaning of tolerance is for the sole purpose of disagreeing with Voltaire. Alan Bogle goes on for pages about what tolerance means. He states, “It is the crux of my argument that true tolerance only comes about through recognizing certain moral absolutes.” Indeed Bogle is right. However, Voltaire is saying that each person needs to treat one another as if they know each other. He does not mean to necessarily perform good deeds for everyone, but try not to ridicule someone because of their beliefs. He goes into further detail to explain this. Therefore, Bogle’s argument is invalid because he stops at the definition of tolerance when Voltaire uses more vocabulary than “tolerance”. Many people say that Voltaire is, quite simply, criticizing the Bible. Houdon from public.wsu.edu says "Voltaire criticized the Bible, but now everyone reads the Bible and no one reads Voltaire." In all actuality, Voltaire is re-interpreting the good book, not criticizing it. Voltaire goes into much detail about what christians are doing wrong and he is using the bible as a template. He makes it very clear that humans are taking too much out of the Bible. They read into things that are not clearly stated in black and white. Voltaire is a very literal thinker. This is somewhat contradictory of his philosophical counter parts. He is able to see things for what they are