
The Israeli Declaration of Independence

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Exercise I If I were asked to participate in the drafting of the "Israeli Declaration of Independence," proclaiming the rights of Jewish people to establish an independent state on the land of Israel, I would choose to make it as the first paragraph will be the third one as they announce what was the people back then. It gives in my criteria a little background before begging to real things. It describes how people where back then, or rather how little by little they gained strength to recover what was taken from them. How they had to fight to bring blessing of progress to all inhabitant of the country now being built. Question When a declaration is drafted from my point of view the author is addressing not only the new citizens of Israel in this case but in general to all who is interested in it. All that wants to know about the country, all who wants to go and live. All countries that wish to maintain a real and straight alliance with that one country. Exercise II The basic contention of the first paragraph is a small summary of what constitutes the land of Israel. It gives a detailed but simple account of everything that conforms the Jewish identity. How they were born as a community and how they also have a right not only religiously to be there. How for them this place is holy and sacred. Making them stronger and more confident as a community and as a family. On paragraphs four and five we can see clearly that a new dimension that is presented here clearly is how one person, Theodore Herzl was the one that stood for all and asked for their land to be retrieved. We can see how recognition can be made with just the right time and right people, with the right reasons. Making a historic recognition and creating them a national home for all. The arguments from paragraphs six and seven are fundamentally different from previous paragraphs, as they do reference not to the future and the hope that they have, but to past experien

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