According to the trait theory, a person can determine their personality based on the "Big Five Traits" (BFT); openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. After taking the personality inventory, I was scored based on the BFT and it was evident that the results were an accurate reflection my "habitual patterns of behavior, thought, and emotion" (Saul Kassin, Psychology, 2003). The first trait - openness to experience - was one of my lowest scores. It stated that I’m a closed-minded person and I prefer traditional and familiar experiences. This is accurate because I do exhibit these behaviors. One example would be, I don’t like to try new things. I eat food that I tried before and I know I like. I don’t like to go too far away vacations because I wouldn’t know the area and wouldn’t be comfortable in a new environment, so I don’t travel often. Another example, I try to stay around people I knew. Like going to the doctor, I like to be seen by nurses I seen before or who have checked me before. Being around things I’m familiar with and sticking to what I know and feel comfortable with is like a way for me to be safe from the “unknown." Conscientiousness was my second lowest score. This trait is more about being well-organized, reliable, and careful. My score percentile on this trait was 3 and it stated that I must have a messy desk. Some of my behaviors and actions do show how this can be true. For example, I never organize my things and that’s why every time I try to look for something I can never find it. Especially when it comes to papers, I always just throw my papers in my book-bag or on my desk and then have a hard time finding the important papers later on. Another example is I’m always late to something. No matter what’s for I could never be on time even if I set an alarm or write it down I just always forget or I just be running late. Extraversion, the third trait