
The Change Management Model

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Executive Summary Organizations these days are in a constant state of change. As technology advances so must organizations using it. Everything that is done these days, even small tasks are becoming something that is looked at as a project. These changes mean that we must also change in the way that we work. There needs to be a way to deal with this ever changing world. Competition these days with other organizations is becoming a much fiercer. There have been a lot of companies that have moved their productions to cheaper countries. This results in a drastic change in the way that business is done. We need to come up with a way to “make us better, faster, more efficient, more competitive, more on the leading edge and more independent ( Baekdal).” This is where change management comes into play. In order for change to be done in a correct manner and for it to produce the desired results certain steps need to be taken. Through my research I will look at the different change models, I will assess the pros and cons of each model, and when each model is appropriate for what change. The model’s that I will be including are Kurt Lewin’s three step model, leadership, management, and consultancy and team models. I will explain how and when each of these models work. Literature Review One of the very first change models that I have come across and that continues to show up everywhere I look is Kurt Lewin’s Change Model. “According to Lewin [1958], the first step in the process of changing behavior is to unfreeze the existing situation (Levasseur 2001).” In order for change to take place you must make sure that you and your organization as a whole are ready and willing to make the change needed to move forward. The next step in this model is to implement the change. Once this is done you need to head to the third step. The third step is when you refreeze the changed situation in order to make it stick. Through this process you need to make sure to ask yourself how to get others within the organization to make the change. The most important part of change is to make sure that you have “active participation by the affected parties in the change process (Levasseur 2001).” In most situations the reason that the change not go well, was because of the lack of communication and involvement with those affected by the change. Even though this model does not detail exactly what to do to affect the change it is a key starting point for anyone that must implement change. The next tool to discuss is the Modern Leadership Model. With this model an organization needs to “create a shared vision of an ideal future state (Levasseur 2004).” A clear vision is something that enables everyone to understand the who, what, where, and whens of the organization. It also helps board members to determine if there are gaps between the vision and the way that an organization is currently performing (Palmer). They also help employees to feel that they are part of an organization and are then motivated to achieve objectives of the organization and their own. In order for change to take place a new vision needs to be set in place. The best way to do that is to change the vision so that you may produce the desired image of the change. If you are using the wrong vision, one can see how it can cause the change to not work in the right direction. There is no guidance to the change without the vision that they are aiming for. Referring back to Lewin’s model of change, “a shared vision unfreezes the situation in the most positive way possible and thereby minimizes resistance to change (Levasseur 2004).” It is a common fact that people help support what they have helped to create. This is the second part of this model. Implementation of the change vision and allowing others to be involved is the key to a successful change process. In the third and final stage of this model, everyone works together to make sure that the change is a success. This shows that the “modern leader reinforces their commitment to human development and the group’s effort to manifest a common or collective purpose (Levasseur 2004). In this new day of technology and information systems this is a key to implementing any kind of change. This model has changed the way that people lead and the expe

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