
The Movie Juno and Teenage Sexuality

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"Juno" is a very smart, funny and touching movie. I liked how it began with the little snippets of comedy and ended with a beautifully detailed portrait of the characters we've come to love. Juno became so easily loved because she depicted such a relatable character from the very beginning of the movie. Some other characters like Paulie Bleeker, Juno's parents, and Leah, are less believable characters than Juno. Most teenage guys who get teenage girls pregnant usually run away from their situation. Those types of guys are only in it for the sex. Paulie Bleeker, on the other hand, accepted the reality of Juno's pregnancy, and it resulted in their romantic relationship. Personally, these types of scenarios are not a realistic or common today. Juno's parents aren't as compassionate as other parents in reality as we would like them to be. Most friends of pregnant teens usually start ignoring them, therefore Leah is not so much of a realistic character. Portraying a character with a sense of humour is much harder than portraying a dramatic character because the audience is made up of such unique individuals. Thus, for Juno to accomplish both drama and comedy in her story was a skillful tactic. In addition, I believe Juno's character was the easiest to empathize because she encountered conflicts that teens can easily relate to. For example, Juno encounters conflicts such as being pregnant at sixteen years old and having to consider Bleeker as friend although she has romantic feelings for him. Many teens today are going through the process of romantic relationships and some have encountered the challenge of teen pregnancy. It is quite interesting for us to be taken into her perspective of a young, pregnant woman, using easy metaphors such as "big planet  to physically describe her situation. Despite Juno's relatable personality, the way she handled her situation may not be the customary approach some teenagers might take. Most teenagers today are more reluctant to talk about serious subjects such as pregnancy with their parents in fear of being abandoned or hated; but because Juno's parents were compassionate and patient, she was more privileged in comparison to some teenagers today. Typically, most parents would shun their pregnant teen claiming they are a disgrace to the family. Being sexually active and unwanted pregnancies are so common among teenagers in the society today. According to Freud's psychosexual theory of development, the libido (sexual energy) begins to focus on the genitals during adolescence, thus reawakening sexual desires. The characters of Juno and Bleeker in the movie, not discussing the consequences, decide to have sexual intercourse on the basis that Juno was "bored.  Because they are in the genital stage Freud theorized, their sexual desires are becoming more evident. These sexual desires are often triggered by pressure. The pressure to become sexually active can be very strong. Some of this pressure comes from within as well as from environmental factors, which is why being "sexually active  is so common among teenagers. In today's society, it has become a trend in school to lose one's virginity at an ear

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