Dear Audrey, I believe that the day I met you was one of destiny. I'd never believed in destiny because my life was difficult and I was lonely; I couldn't accept that as the ultimate purpose of my life. I remember that afternoon I sat alone on a bench park, recently dumped by the one I'd believed was my best friend. She left me the way the previous ones have done it, by throwing me away after giving those shiny underestimating glimpse. I have had enough of that, and had lost hope on everything, until the hand of a beautiful woman, who seemed like she was reaching forty years old soon, touched me and looked at me carefully while saying, "Perfect! . No one ever said that about me, not even once. So, needlessly saying, I was absolutely touched. The smiling-face lady held me tight in her hand. I could see that she wanted to bring me somewhere. She walked me through the sidewalk, then we crossed a big junction, and after walking some more miles, we entered an alley and stopped our journey in front of a not-big-but-not-so-small house. The house from the front was very lovely, with its big garden surrounded the building that mostly white. I was excited to know more about the house, just like the lady that was more excited to show me to someone younger than her by (perhaps) twenty five years old that she addressed with "Audrey, darling." This "Audrey, darling" came out from the front door and ran to the lady, that turned out to be her mother. "Audrey, darling" whose real name was Audrey, was a short curvy girl with long wavy blond hair and turquoise eyes. She smiled brightly when seeing her mother coming; especially when she knew that her mother brought me along with her. I could see happiness all over her face. But somehow, I saw something different. Something weird in those shiny eyes, something fake in her wide smile. It was cleverly covered, but it was still obvious. It was a feeling that I knew well. Loneliness. From the very first t