GM foods (GMOs - genetically-modified organisms), are created for human and/or animal use by using the most advanced molecular biology procedures. The plants and/or crops sometimes have been altered in the laboratory to enhance certain important traits such as increased resistance to herbicides or improve nutritional value. The enhancement is usually undertaken through breeding. In the past decade genetically modified foods have been have made a world of stir about whether these foods are beneficial to our society or if they are actually hurtful. GMO food is a problem because it gives biological pollution and GMO greatly affects to the environment and humanity. One area of concern is biological pollution. While chemical pollution has been the scourge of the 20th century, biological pollution from GMO crops poses even more hazards as we enter the new millennium. Unlike chemicals that are released into the environment, GMOs are living beings that will reproduce and spread uncontrollably, with no possibility of containment or clean-up. The consequence of GMO’s is the increased use of chemicals. An analysis of thousands of field trials has shown that farmers who grow GMO soybeans use 4 times more herbicides than farmers who grow natural soy varieties. The biotech industry claims that no one has been harmed by eating GMO food. But doctors and scientists warn that there is not enough evidence to ensure that these foods are safe in the human diet. In fact, there is ample evidence of the risks of GMOs. Transfer of allergens through the genetic engineering process has been documented, yet GMOs now on the market contain proteins that have never been assessed for allergenic potential. The rise of diseases that are resistant to treatment with common antibiotics is already a serious medical concern. Doctors warn that the use of antibiotic resistance genes in GMO crops may add to this risk. Seventy percent of the GMO crops growing in the U.S. are engineered to withstand high doses of toxic weed killers. These herbicide tolerant crops will likely lead to more pesticides in our food, drinking water, and the environment. Recent evidence links exposure to biochemical giant Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide, the chemical used with most herbicide tolerant crops, to an increase incidence of certain cancers. The topics of genetic engineering and industry go hand in hand. It is industry, primarily large bio-tech corporations, that are forging ahead with the genetic experiment on our food supply. These companies see huge profits in implementing patents on life in creating crops that can only be grown with particular brands of pesticides. The general trend of the biotech industry is for long-time chemical polluters to reinvent themselves as "life sciences" companies. Such companies generally feature agrochemical, pharmaceutical and nutrition divisions, while dropping losing chemical businesses. Monsanto, for example, spun off its chemicals division as a separate company, though it held on to its agrochemicals business and best-selling product, the herbicide Roundup. Novartis is the result of the merger of two chemical giants, but its public front as a life sciences company obscures its toxic past. Because of the Food and Drug Administration's failure to requi