
The Process of Obtaining a Driver's License

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Getting a driver’s license is a major milestone, a "right of passage," in a person’s life. No longer does one have to ask for rides or take public transportation, but now the freedom to go wherever they want as they please. It can be really exciting, especially if you are sixteen because that is one of you first freedoms. It can also be scary if you have a fear of cars. But for most, like me, it is really exciting, as it was something that I wanted. Obtaining a driver’s license varies state to state. I obtained my driver’s license in the state of Rhode Island, which has a very different process tan the state of Washington. Therefore, this essay will state the steps to obtain a provisional driver’s license in the state of Rhode Island. Rhode Island requires one under eighteen who wishes to drive to enroll in the state mandated driver’s education. In Rhode Island, one is allowed to have a driver’s permit at sixteen and then get their license at sixteen and a half. In order to register for these classes, one must be at least fifteen years and ten months of age. The driver’s education classes are offered at local colleges and high schools during specific times of the year. They are either offered over six weeks for twice a week classes with the classes being two hours each, or offer straight six hour classes for five days. I personally choose the five day option during my April vacation. Even though I had to sacrifice my vacation, it was worth it to me. These classes cover every aspect of driving. They explain the basics of driving, how to drive in weather, road signs, how to shift lanes with ease, tips for becoming a better driver, and showed what to do in emergencies. An instructor appointed by the state runs the class and mainly plays videos and reads out of the text book. The instructor will then issue a multitude of quizzes for the students to take. Depending on the instructor, you may have a lot of small quizzes or a few big quizzes. After a weeklong of learning about driver safety and how to drive, you then take the state official exam. This is the written driver’s exam th

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