
When Criminals are Victims of Crime

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Laws are put in place to maintain order, protect citizens, protect property, and provide a basis for punishment. We as humans may think that the punishment toward the criminal may fit the crime that they created. Principle laws, a society ultimately degenerates into despotism--the rule of the strong and violent over the weak and nonviolent. Harm Principle laws are essential, and every government on Earth has them. Some laws are based not strictly on harm or self-harm concerns, but also on promoting the personal morality of the law's authors (Head, 2014). On a law standpoint, it is wrong to commit a crime against anyone regardless of their circumstances. According to Hundley, Martin, & Humberg, Florida's "stand your ground'' law has allowed drug dealers to avoid murder charges and gang members to walk free. It has hindered prosecutors and confused judges. It has also served its intended purpose, acquitted dozens of people who were deemed to be legitimately acting in self-defense. Among them was a woman who was choked and beaten by an irate tenant and a man who was threatened in his driveway by a felon. Many people in the public has been outraged the verdicts. Due to the law that was put in place the criminal was protected. Gang on gang crime has always been a very controversy situation. For instance, a known gang member is at home another member of a different gang invades their home and robs them. Now we have a gang member who becomes a victim. Police working the case should still treat it like any other case. People of the public may feel like they got what they deserve because of their gang relationship. Another example, public attitudes and the extent of public knowledge about domestic violence are important because citizen perceptions about this complex social problem and beliefs about what should be done about it from the context in which public policy is formulated and criminal justice agencies respond. Many people have firs

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