
Prayer Rituals in Islam

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Islam emerged in Arabia in the 7th century. It revolves around the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad who the adherents of Islam known as Muslims, believe to be the last prophet sent by God. Islam revolves around the belief by Muslims that there is only one God namely, Allah and only He is worth worshipping. The teachings of Islam are recorded in the Holy book, Qur'an that was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad by Allah; it is considered to be a final message from Allah to His creations. Quran is considered to be the total guide of life for Muslims and is translated into almost all worldly languages. Starting from just a few followers, Islam started spreading throughout the world slowly and became the second largest religion of the world after Christianity. The word Islam originally came from the Arabic language meaning "submission  and it also refers to the will of God. The sayings and teachings of The Prophet Muhammad became known as Hadith, which is precisely Prophet Muhammad's speech or action. The basic teachings of Islam without which an individual cannot be called a good Muslim, are the belief in Allah to be the only God and Creator and Prophet Muhammad to be the last messenger of Allah, the performance of prayers five times daily, fasting in the month of Ramadan, giving donations at least once a year to the needy people and the last is performing pilgrimage to Mecca once in a life time. These beliefs in Islam are known as Tawheed, Salat, Saum, Zakat and the Hajj respectively and the Quran and Hadith stress upon their importance numerous times. The first one is the declaration of faith: Muslims bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah who is the sole creator of this Duniya (World) and Prophet Muhammad is the last messenger for the mankind until the Day of Judgment. "The Quran contains the whole religion of Muhammas" (sell Edward, 1), Muslims are encouraged to follow and imitate the teachings of their beloved prophet in every action of life. Second Prayers: Muslims indulge in five daily prayers as an obligation towards Allah. By doing so, Muslims thank Allah for everything that he has given them and ask Allah to fulfill their needs and praying for forgiveness of their sins. Each prayer takes up to 10-15 minutes depending on the worshipper. Prayers are a way for the believer to connect directly to its creator. There are no intermediaries between the believer and the God when a prayer is being performed. Praying 5 daily Salah is like bathing in a river that washes away the dirt of the human body. Similarly, praying 5 times a day washes away the daily sins of a believer (Bukhari, Muslim). A prayer strengthens the bond between Allah and its believer and prevents the believer from the temptations of his heart and wrongdoings and evil. Third Zakat: Zakah is an act of purifying ones wealth. Just like all things that belong to Allah, humans hold wealth as a form of trust. Zakah requires a Muslim to pay a certain portion of the wealth to the needy individuals. A person who doesn't have enough money is exempted from

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