Eric Hobsbawm begins his book, "The Age of Extremes," with the First World War; his main argument was that there is no understanding the short twentieth century without mentioning the wars that happened in that century. Hobsbawn tells us that at the beginning of the First World War, everyone thought that it was the beginning of the end of the world. This was the first time all the major powers had been involved. The major players in the game at that time being (Russia, France, Britain, Austria-Hungry, Prussia, USA and Japan), before this there had been brief wars but not compared to the First World War. Most of the troops from other nations were made to fight outside their nations. Canadians fought in France, Australia and New Zealand fought at Gallipoli. The First World War involved everyone, the colonies of the imperialists they had no option; they were forced to fight willingly or not willingly. The Germany plan was to knock off France quickly and then move on to knock off Russia as well. The Germany army went to France through neutral Belgium, which made the British join because of the treat that Belgium had signed with Britain. Parallel lines were drawn between Germany, France and Britain, which was known as the Western front. The Western front costed Britain 420000 dead and 60000 dead on the first day. There was nothing like the First World War, lives were lost, young lives were lost in the First World War. The French lost 20 percent of their men during this war. The British lost half a million of their men, under the age of thirty. People who came out of the war unharmed, came out of it as haters of war. The deaths in the First World War led to leaders in democratic nations knowing that people did not want to go through the war again. Politicians knew that in order to win votes, they had to assure citizens that there was not going to be another war, in the future. Germany having lost they war; they had to sign the Versailles treaty, which had some very harsh conditions on Germany. Some of the conditions, such as Germany had to take full responsibility of the damages that were made during the war; most of their colonies were removed. In wanting to make sure that they was not going to be another they, they created another war for themselves. All the planning that was done was leading to another war happening, the Versailles Treaty that was imposed on Germany was lea