The Scopes Trial is one the greatest court clashes in history about creation v. evolution in the book "Inherit The Wind. Set in the small town of Hillsboro, this case represents a duel between two major lawyers known as Henry Drummond and Matthew Harrison Brady as they come together in the courtroom. Prosecutor Matthew Brady represents the values of fundamental Christianity while defense attorney Henry Drummond is the voice of reason and science. Although the two men have been good friends and partners in the past, the case in Hillsboro reveals the difference in their values. Matthew Harrison Brady is an orator and a three-time presidential candidate. Prosecutor Matthew Brady takes the role as a fundamentalist and his familiarity with the Bible wins him significant respect and results in his brazen attitude. Although Brady at times can be a good and compassionate Man, his literal understanding of the bible keeps him stuck in the past and his inability to cope eventually leads to the loss of his life. Brady and the people of Hillsboro are fundamentalists in the religious sense. They take the Bible literally, or as Brady says, "everything in the Bible should be accepted, exactly as it's given there" (87). To Brady, fundamentalism not only means literal interpretation of the bible, but complete acceptance of it. Questioning the bible or discovering a different interpretation is completely unthinkable. When being questioned by Drummond in court, Brady shuts down. He forces himself not think about the possibility that what is written in the bible is next to impossible, and was not meant be taken literally. Brady's reluctance to listen to Drummond's challenge to the biblical writings displays his fundamentalism boldly. The marriage of this devotion and duress from the prosecution cause Brady to eat his stress away. Compassion plays a key role in Matthew Brady's character. In the following excerpt, he discusses forgiveness when the Reve