?Advertisements are used to target an audience to purchase certain products. The Coca Cola advertisement, “Live Life Light,” is designed to persuade women to purchase that particular product - Coca Cola Light - rather than a similar brand. Ads typically contain hidden messages that lie behind the beautiful colors, models, and cursive text. In this particular Coca Cola ad, there’s the idea that this diet soda is so light, that you can float after drinking it – that is how few calories it has. This Coca Cola ad deceives customers into believing that drinking diet soda is not fattening, but in reality, drinking any beverage containing carbohydrates and caffeine is never too good for your health. The designer’s plan of the advertisement is to make the consumer feel that they can be just like the models in the ads with their product. The advertisement shows an image of a happy African American woman holding a bubble bottle with the atmosphere surrounded by bubbles. There’s also a bottle of the advertised beverage, the company’s logo, and its slogan, “Live Life Light.” The slogan also changes its font to accentuate the light part of “Live Life Light,” catching the reader’s attention. The bottled drink is placed on the bottom right corner surrounded by black and red swirls and its small compared to the other objects on the ad. A dim light shines on the woman; you can notice that she is pretty high off the ground base on how light her shadow is. A model in any advertisement or commercial plays an important role in attracting customers to purchase their product. The dim lights and shadow of the women are all methods used by Coca Cola to emphasize her. She is extremely thin and the fashionable clothing she’s wearing is used to show her feminine traits and her slimness. The woman and the bubbles are floating alongside each other, depicting how light they are. Coca Cola is trying to say that you can drink their light soda without any doubts of gaining weight and that you can still look like the slim model in their ad. By showing you an image of a woman floating in the air, they aim to make you think that gaining weight is not a factor when drinking Coca Cola Light. The next thing that is appeals to the viewer’s eyes is the color; the color of white, grey, and red are used in the advertisement. The colors in the advertisement empha