Many of us know Adolf Hitler as a worst nightmare dictator from the years 1933 to 1945. Hitler was a convincing and too subjective leader when starting and helped Germany's economic policy standards increase. The German economy before then was falling and so after his appointment as chancellor in 1933, Hitler transformed the Weimar Republic into the "Third Reich," a single dictatorship party based on the absolute power and totalitarian beliefs of Nazis. He then took charge of being the "Fuhrer , which is the leader of Germany and boosted up the economy by emphasizing the image of the people's leader. He knew people of Germany did not want a leader who tells them in detail what to do but an inspirational leader who tells them stories that would excite them. He also made up stories so that people would become afraid and support him. Hitler preferred that the German people thought of him as an average and non complex leader. His vision was of a powerful Germany and wanted the world to stand in all of German ground and greatness. Hitler's aim was to establish a new regime of absolute Nazi German dominance in Europe. In 1933 his army of Nazis grew distinctively tougher throughout the years and then on began World War II. What this has led me to is to wonder how he shaped Germany as a totalitarian state. What I am asking and looking to find the answer to is "to what extent did Hitler's oratory skills and economic policy ideas help him shape Germany as a totalitarian state?" The reason I chose to do a study on this question is more or so because I didn't thoroughly know how Germany became such a strong and strict totalitarian state and how Hitler made it so powerful and successful from the start. I, as well chose this question precisely due to the fact that I was wanting to look at how he persuaded the people of Germany to believe his thoughts, views and beliefs. Without knowing how Hitler made Germany a totalitarian state and looking how its government strictly controlled all terms of life by using threatening measures, these discoveries brought me the idea of choosing my question. This research question is significant to me personally because it could help me understand the history of Hitler's economic decisions,the way he led his country and the way he expressed his feelings and thoughts towards the German people. This more thoroughly could help me in college if being involved in class discussions about World War II and Hitler. Second and lastly I picked this specific topic due to the fact that dictatorship comes to my interest and my sister's is obsession with the Holocaust. What my essay is going to focus on and the evidence I will be providing is on two of Hitler's speeches and his economic policy ideas that I encountered. I am going to be analyzing these two speeches on how they persuaded masses and masses of people into believing Hitler's Ideology. I will also include from my research if any of these two speeches or Hitler's economic policy ideas had a clear effect on the people of Germany and if anything changed In Germany after he gave a certain speech. These approaches I will be taking should support the answer to my question by showing how Hitler shaped Germany as a totalitarian state in that time of Hitler's economic ideas and how Hitler persuaded people with his oratory speaking skills into supporting him and his country. Hitler's two main speeches that I will be focusing on is his speech on February 1st, 1933 which was his Proclamation to the German Nation. The second and is his speech on Foreign Policy delivered on January 30th, 1937. Both these speeches were thought on towards the German economy, army and people. I will show how these two speeches were thought about and how they helped shape Germany. Starting off with Hitler's very famous and historical speech as the Fuhrer/Chancellor of Germany on February 1st, 1933. This speech was first off a proclamation to German and It took place in the city of Berlin and was Hitler's first speech in power. He worked with Joseph Goebbels who was a German politician and Nation Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. In this speech Hitler presents to the people of Germany that he believes they have achieved the goals for which they had fought to succeed the previous years. He attempts to persuade the people that that he was not the reason for the war, the outbreak of the war, the behavior of the war, nor was he responsible for the political situation in Germany. He was simply a soldier among 8 or 10 million other soldiers. Hitler pointed out that the collapse of their national institutions and corruption in his business began by being declined of foreign policy and corrupt of political power. So then began the decline of their popular government and now they saw that hundreds of thousands of lives were being ruined by bankruptcy, sorrow and specifically unemployment. Hitler counted up approxim