
Social Effects of the Internet

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Technology is ever evolving. We are exposed to it in just about every aspect of our lives. One of the reasons for this has been the constant advance in the state of the internet. The inception of the internet has made social interaction much less personal. What once was a fancy way to communicate with others has become a gateway, and in some ways a necessity, for things we do on a daily basis. Remember back when playing a game with friends meant physically being in the same room? Well, this is no longer the case. Just put on a headset and connect online. This has taken the personal interaction out of even the simplest kid's games. Most kids used to love going outside to run around playing games with friends in the neighborhood. They would stay out all day until "the streetlights came on.Now all kids seem to do is go online to play Call of Duty with a friend who may live right next door. It is not just the kids though. Telecommuting has increased dramatically in the past few years. We no longer even need to leave the house to go to work! This has essentially made us lazy. We no longer go into music stores to purchase a CD after hearing a song on the radio. Why would we when we can just pull out our phone, buy that song and be listening to it in a matter of minutes? No need to deal with sales clerks who may end up trying to sell us something else. Music stores have all but been eliminated in the name of convenience. Shopping used to be something that we had to physically go out and do. Now there are services that will allow us to even do our grocery shopping from the comfort of our home and have it delivered that same day. These things have changed the way we live. We have come to expect this convenience. The internet has not only affected the way we shop but the way we learn as well. The difference between ten years ago and now in how education is integrated with the internet is astounding. Back then there was not even an option of

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