
History of Animal Experimentation

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Testing on animals goes back to 500 B.C, to Greek and Roman days. Ancient scientists used to cut open live animals and they performed surgery without anesthesia. They observed how the body worked and the function of the organs. This practice of research has continued for centuries and scientists have gained more knowledge about animal organs. They learned new surgical procedures. This knowledge has developed, and today animal experimentation has become more widespread. New surgical procedures as biomedical research have become more popular. Nowadays, over one million animals are being used in several medical researches all over the world. This practice is called “vivisection” which means the act of cutting into or dissecting living animals. Animal bodies react in similar ways to humans and scientist use animals in their research because of these similarities. Animals, which are used for experiments, benefit humans in education, biomedical research, and consumer products. Testing drugs on animals are essential, and medical progress cannot occur without conducting these kinds of experiments. We are living in a world of medicine, where scientists have eliminated several diseases such as diphtheria and polio. Polio killed millions of people in recent centuries. Louis Pasteur developed lifesaving vaccines and solved the mystery of rabies and the anthrax by using animals in his research. Polio, a disease that caused paralysis, was completely eliminated in the1950's due to vaccines found in animal testing procedures. After successful tests on monkeys, polio vaccines have become one of the most prominent vaccines in medical discoveries. Obviously, many monkeys were paralyzed or die during the experiments. Professor Jonas Salk, founder of Polio Vaccine, states that “he would not want to have any child inoculated with a product that has not been passed the rigorous testing procedures” (Adams). If Doctor Jonas, tested the vaccine on humans, imagine how many innocent children could have been paralyzed. Instead of people monkeys suffered through tough experiments and in some cases became paralyzed. Scientists sacrificed monkeys’ lives to find polio vaccines. As a result, nowadays millions of children are cured due to the infusion of the polio vaccine. After all, it is an acceptable method to conduct experiments on animals rather than on humans The most and largest area of testing on animals is called “Toxicity testing.” Toxicity testing was inspired because it can benefit and protect society and the public against the impact of harmful chemicals. In World War ?, soldiers were exposed to mustard gas, which made many of them lose their sights. In order to better understand the effects of mustard gas, scientist’s utilized rabbits as their test subjects. Using rabbits in laboratory tests gave the scientists insight to compare the effect of gas on humans in comparison with rabbits. This procedure is now used to test shampoo, cosmetics and pesticides. After testing chemicals on rabbits, their body reactions were varied from blindness to a slight irritation. The result of this test on animals helps researchers to recognize how chemicals affect humans. Although it is hard to experiment on animals, it shows scientists how to produce less harmful chemicals for mass society. Jack Crawford, a scientist, said “If my daughter were ill and needed a drug, which would I prefer she be given: on which had been tested on a tissue culture? Or one which had been shown to be effective as well as free of harmful side effects in monkeys” (Houston chronicle 2). Obviously drugs, which were tested on animals, can be more reliable and effective for humans. Companies like Gamble, Dove, and Nivea, who make shampoo, conditioner, and laundry detergents test their products on rabbits, and then send it into market. The researchers put the products directly to the rabbit’s eye and observe what the results are. In some cases, rabbits are blinded and ending up dying in a few days. If people use the product before testing it on rabbits, chemicals will damage a vital part of their eyes. Due to the eye’s sensitivity, repair is an extremely hard process. The result of such an experiments allowed researchers to recognize the harmful effects of chemicals. There is a large argument behind animal research, which has been risen for many years

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